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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Alaska: 21 years and counting

September 19 was the 21st anniversary of my arrival in Alaska from Mesa, Arizona via the Alcan highway. The long drive was even longer since I was alone, didn't have a cassette player (before CDs or iPods) and there were few radio stations in the Canadian wilderness. I entertained myself with my own singing. I did get rather tired of Happy Birthday and Christmas carols in short order though.
I'll make the drive again, but not solo, and with tunes or audiobooks this time. I'll also make sure I take extra fuel. Gas stations were about as rare as radio stations. Hmm, that may have changed over the years, but I'll still take a gas can, just to be sure.

Lots of rain in southcentral Alaska this week. I was in danger of being washed out so dug out a drainage ditch, with the help of a few brawly males. Still, determination and a 3" pump won the day and we weren't flooded out. Thanks for the dam help, Skup and Robbie.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bit by bit, slowly it came...

NAKED IN THE WINTER WIND, the first novel in the FAIRIES SAGA, will be released 'bit by bit.' Rather than wait the months (six at least) it would take to do my part of the editing then wait for my editor to make his suggestions (corrections? nah, I couldn't need them, eh?), and then make my one last read through before releasing to others, I've decided to take a new approach: release it in thirds.

I've split the book into its natural breaks and have tentatively subtitled them AMNESIA, ABANDONED, and ADOPTIONS. After all three have been released, I will offer the group of novellas under the original title, NAKED IN THE WINTER WIND, as both an e-book and in print format.

I'm a fan of other authors of long sagas, such as Diana Gabaldon, and wish they would do the same thing. Maybe I can set a precedent? All in favor, say 'aye.'

Roses from this year's garden, surrounded by the ever present chickweed.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


In an effort to boost the number of reviews for two of my books, I’m giving them away free as ebooks on Amazon this week. DANCES NAKED is free to download August 27-31, 2012. Here’s the link: Labor Day weekend, September 1-3, 2012, you can get THE GREAT BIG FAIRY for the same, incredibly low price (free). Here’s that link: Even if you don’t take the time for a full review, I’d appreciate five stars. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

'Lost' and 'Outlander': Huh?

Is LOST, the fictional story in THE FAIRIES SAGA, really just OUTLANDER in another guise? Yes, Virginia, ‘Outlander’ really was the inspiration for ‘Lost’ although Diana Gabaldon, the author of the great saga, has nothing in common with Lisa Sinclaire, the author of ‘Lost.’ There’ll be more on that subject in FAIRIES DOWN UNDER, book five in the series. That volume is about a year out but, if I get enough interest, I’ll blog excerpts from it and the first two books weekly. Drop me a note if you’re interested. Summer days are long in Alaska: daylight never truly dies from mid-May to mid-July. There are no stars at night for those two months and watching fireworks at midnight on Independence Day leaves much to be desired. Long days also means lots of gardening, and if lucky, fishing. Alas, it’s finally so nice outside that I don’t want to stay in and write! I would script outside but we have too many mosquitos for that. There are still two books ready for editing and then, Amazon (ebooks) and printer, here we come!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Journey to being Published

Writing the book is the easy part. Research is fun, especially since I'm not getting graded and don't have any deadlines except those that I impose on myself.

The worst thing about writing is searching for an agent who will have faith in you for a promised 15% of the sales. But after spending hours emailing and searching for 'Mr. Right' agent, I've decided I'll try the Amazon publishing 'thing'. I'll keep you all posted on the steps soon as I figure it out! I do know that the book(s) will be inexpensive and issued as a serial.

Journey into the unknown

After beating myself up looking for an agent, I was encouraged by friends to try the Amazon self-publishing format...going strictly digital. Well, I'd rather design my own cover but since I have two complete novels ready to roll and a third waiting for me to quick messing around looking for an agent, I guess I'll jump right in.