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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Bit by bit, slowly it came...

NAKED IN THE WINTER WIND, the first novel in the FAIRIES SAGA, will be released 'bit by bit.' Rather than wait the months (six at least) it would take to do my part of the editing then wait for my editor to make his suggestions (corrections? nah, I couldn't need them, eh?), and then make my one last read through before releasing to others, I've decided to take a new approach: release it in thirds.

I've split the book into its natural breaks and have tentatively subtitled them AMNESIA, ABANDONED, and ADOPTIONS. After all three have been released, I will offer the group of novellas under the original title, NAKED IN THE WINTER WIND, as both an e-book and in print format.

I'm a fan of other authors of long sagas, such as Diana Gabaldon, and wish they would do the same thing. Maybe I can set a precedent? All in favor, say 'aye.'

Roses from this year's garden, surrounded by the ever present chickweed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dani;
    Just thought I say hello as I join your blog fandowm.
    I can't help with facebook. I didlike it and ignore it completely. Damned waste of time to me. But most authors I know have a blog page, a facebook page and use Twitter and even Linkedin. I guess I'm not that socialable.
