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Sunday, March 20, 2016

Do you Love Christmas??

Calling all Christmas lovers!

Do you love the music of the holiday season? If so, the Authors’ Billboard needs your attention! This coming 2016 Christmas, twenty of our authors—New York Times and USA Today Bestsellers—will be putting together a multi-author box collection of brand new, never before published stories to dazzle everyone, but we require your participation.

The title of our collection will be
LOVE, CHRISTMAS and the theme of this bundle will be Christmas carols. We want to use YOUR favorite holiday songs. If you and your song title are chosen, one of the 20 novellas will be dedicated to you.

Sound like fun? Please enter the contest by naming your special carols in the contest entry form.
You may enter as many times as you like. So what are you waiting for?
Here's what the winners will receive:

1. Twenty winners will have his/her favorite song chosen as the title and possibly the theme for one of the novellas.
2. That particular story will be dedicated to the winner— twenty in total.
3. And the winners will receive a free copy of the box set (eBook only).

 Ho, ho, ho! And good luck!

The authors involved in this great contest are:
Leanne Banks - NY Times & USAToday, National #1 Best-selling author

Beware the Ides of March!

“Beware the Ides of March”

What in the heck does Ides mean?

It means the 15th day of March, May, July or October in the ancient Roman calendar, but usually refers to the Ides of March (March 15). 

It’s not a holiday, but ‘Beware the Ides of March’ rings a bell with many: it was the warning given to Julius Caesar by a soothsayer in William Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar

If there were actual warnings, they weren’t recorded, but Shakespeare made the date a mind-sticker.

In case you’re wondering, moments later Caesar succumbed to twenty-three stab wounds, assassinated by his fellow senators, jealous of his power, right there in the Roman Senate. I guess they hadn’t thought of impeachment yet.

But that’s ancient world history. Old news.

Does the Ides of March mean anything in American history? You bet it does!

Here’s an excerpt from Naked in the Winter Wind about that date. Our time traveling heroine, Evie, has amnesia but does remember her history. She explains it to Sarah, a fellow time traveler.

“The Ides of March wasn’t just a bad day for Caesar,” I said. “It was the day of the big battle at Guilford Courthouse. We didn’t, or won’t, win this one.”

“Oh, crap,” Sarah said.

“I remembered it when you told me today’s date. Mac named one of the boys after Nathanael Greene. He was, or rather is, a great general. He’s going to turn the tide of the war with this battle. We won’t win it—but neither do the British, really. From this battle on, we’re in charge and, well, you know we’ll be victorious in the end. I wish I could do something to help us win this one, but I don’t know what I—we—could possibly do. I do think we’d better tell Jody about it, though.”

“That, my dear, is the only thing I’m sure we should do.”

I don't know if Romans made a holiday out the date as we did with 4th of July, but the Ides of March does have a nice ring to it. Maybe next year at this time we can celebrate the death of Daylight Savings Time. A new American holiday. Let's lift a mug in celebratory anticipation.

Read more about Evie and her interaction with Revolutionary War battles and encounters with Red Coats in Naked in the Winter Wind, first book in The Fairies Saga series.
Naked in the Winter Wind
